Shin splint
Shin splint and pain in the tibia – the causes, symptoms and natural treatment
Shin splint is a common name for pain in the shin between the knee and the ankle. The pain results from damage to the shell of the tibia, damage to the connective tissue between the muscles and the bone or a stress fracture. Most often the pains appear during sports activity and in many cases will disappear up to several hours after the activity.
The pain in the tibia can develop into a chronic problem, the effects of which are limited by the various treatments. Pain in the market may also develop as a result of pathologies with significant consequences such as ” compartment syndrome “.
Calf problems such as shin splints, compartment syndrome and stress fractures occur among people who are exposed to high activity loads, without recovery time or due to improper activity (running on hard surfaces). A shin splint is actually one of the most frustrating injuries for professional athletes and enthusiasts who practice sports religiously, as it makes, in effect, the act of running simply impossible.
The causes of shin splint pain
- Stretching of the tibialis anterior muscle
- Irritation and the formation of inflammation in the tendon and its connection or the formation of a tear in the muscle adjacent to the bone.
- inflammation of the periosteum
- Wearing inappropriate shoes
- Increasing training rate in a non-gradual way in combination with increased loads
- Running on hard surfaces

Stress fractures
A thin crack in the bone tissue characterized by localized pain and focused on the middle part of the tibia. A stress fracture is diagnosed by bone mapping. Stress fractures are common among athletes and novices involved in activities with a large load on the joint. such as long runs and traveling long distances while carrying heavy loads. Even in this case, the treatment of a shin splint must include rest, reduction in load and a gradual return to activity.
Shin splint – the recommended treatment
Recommended treatments for pain in the tibia are rest, cooling the area, anti-inflammatory pills, insoles, expanding the range of motion of the leg through medical practice and physical therapy. In the last decade, soft laser treatment has become more and more popular for shin splint pain and has even become very common, especially among sportsmen and athletes. In general, it is recommended for those who suffer from pain in the tibia to temporarily find another sporting activity that does not put too much stress on the bones of the leg in general and the tibia in particular. Swimming for example is an excellent option. Riding a stationary bike can also be a good option, as long as it is done at a low intensity
Treatment with the B-Cure laser device for splint toothaches
There are many advantages to using the B-Cure laser to treat shin splint pain. The treatment is natural, non-invasive and there is no fear of overdose or side effects, an issue that is important for athletes but also for all patients, when it comes to reducing the consumption of drugs and the side effects associated with them. The device can be used anytime and anywhere, without the need for the help of professionals. The treatment is available, easy and convenient and above all – effective in reducing pain, reducing inflammation and helping the area recover and quickly return to the routine of sports activities.

Guidelines for the treatment of shin splints:
- The right and left side of the tibia should be treated in the area where the pain appears
- In cases of injury or damage, treatment should be started as close as possible to the incident of injury
- for 6-8 minutes at each treatment point, twice a day
- In cases of chronic pain, start with a dose of one and a half minutes per treatment point and gradually increase the dose by 30 seconds each day, until you reach a 6-8 minute treatment per treatment point, twice a day
- Repeating these actions with the B-Cure laser device over a period of time and in accordance with these instructions, will give the “shin splint” problem proper treatment and even reduce the existing pain, at the same time as tissue renewal and treating the source of the problem in the tibia