Shoulder pain
The causes, symptoms and natural treatment of shoulder pain
The shoulder is the joint with the greatest mobility and range of motion among the joints of the body. Due to the complexity of the shoulder girdle, which includes a large number of organs and large ranges of motion, the shoulders may be exposed to many injuries and acute or chronic injuries that may cause shoulder pain .
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in our body. As such, it is exposed to many injuries, sports injuries, inflammation, calcification and more. Some injuries may be caused by direct trauma, or by indirect mechanisms such as lifting or strenuous pulling against a weight. Symptoms of overload may develop in athletes and are usually related to incorrect training programs. All of these may create a situation of shoulder pain.
About 10% of the population complain of shoulder pain at least once in their lifetime. The prevalence of shoulder pain is estimated at 20%-40% of the population, with women tending to suffer from this pain more. The common symptoms of the various diagnoses include limitation of movement in the connection area of the arm to the shoulder and pain that limits activity.
The main causes of shoulder pain :
Inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff – rotator cuff tendonitis
Inflammation that develops in the tendons of the muscles that stabilize the shoulder (rotators, teres minor, infraspinatus, subscapularis, subscularis). These muscles serve as active ligaments of the shoulder joint. This inflammation is also called “swimmer’s shoulder”. Since it is common among those who engage in sports that require repeated lifting of the arm such as: swimming, handball or volleyball and weight lifting. The inflammation is accompanied by pain that also radiates to the arm and appears in many cases while resting.
The catch syndrome of the shoulder – the injury syndrome
Narrowing of the subacromial space which may cause the shoulder muscles to press on soft tissues that pass beneath them. The same pressure causes pain in the shoulder which worsens when it is lifted forward and rotated (turning out). In this situation, the tendon gets caught under the “acromion” (peak of the shoulder) and becomes compressed, injured and inflamed.
Calcification in the shoulder
Formation of calcium deposits in the tendons of the shoulder. The tissue around the calcification area can develop inflammation, which causes pain. Calcification in the shoulder occurs in the tendons that connect the muscles of the rotator cuff, which move and stabilize the shoulder during activity. The pain is accompanied by restriction of movement and is mainly felt when the hand is raised above shoulder level.

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint injury, also known as ” cartilage erosion ” or “joint erosion”. This disorder in the body’s joints includes the loss of joint cartilage, the growth of bony bumps in the joints, and an inflammatory side effect. The main symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the shoulder that appears gradually, worsens with exertion and is relieved by rest. The pain is described as a deep ache or a burning sensation associated with the muscles and tendons of the area.
Frozen shoulder
A condition in which the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder becomes stiff and inflamed. Abnormal tissue is formed that fills the space between the joint surfaces and limits movement while lacking the synovial fluid. Those suffering from frozen shoulder actually experience stiffness in the shoulder, pain and inability to move the shoulder.
What treatments for shoulder pain and inflammation are available to you ?
Most of the existing treatments for shoulder pain in the shoulder aim to achieve relief from pain and stiffness and strive to improve the range of motion. The treatment of the shoulder includes the use of pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, steroid injections and physical therapy measures (such as exercise, cooling agents, ultrasound and laser), sometimes separately and sometimes different combinations of several of them.
Since various shoulder injuries are in many cases chronic and include pain and disability that last for months and years, there is a preference for a treatment option that is natural, healthy and does not involve side effects.
Natural treatment of shoulder pain with the help of a soft laser
Since various shoulder injuries are in many cases chronic and include pain and disability that last for months and years, there is a preference for a treatment option that is natural, healthy and does not involve side effects. Like the soft laser technology which has been scientifically proven to be effective for treating shoulder injuries.
If until recently in order to receive laser treatment you had to go to the pain clinics in the various hospitals and institutes, today you can enjoy the capabilities of the soft laser at home, thanks to the Be Cure Laser device. The device that by a unique Israeli patent was able to harness the laser into a medical device for home and personal use. The Be Cure laser has helped many patients who suffer from pain no longer have to wait for an appointment for treatment, but perform it in their free time at home.
The soft laser penetrates through the skin into the tissues without a heating or cooling effect. It stimulates biostimulant processes in the body that allow pain relief and treatment of shoulder inflammation. The laser beam works on two main fronts: the first front is the relief of pain in the shoulder, the use of the soft laser increases the release of the endorphin hormone in our brain. The endorphin is responsible for alleviating the pain we feel, by increasing the release we can feel pain relief.
The second front is the treatment of the source of the problem. Compared to the variety of drugs for pain relief, the laser treatment not only relieves the pain but also treats the source of the problem, by increasing the release of anti-inflammatory enzymes and expanding the blood flow to the place, detoxification and treatment of inflammation is possible. The treatment of inflammation and pain will help the sufferers regain their range of motion and get rid of the pain that accompanies them.
Guidelines for the treatment of shoulder pain, inflammation and injuries:
- Care should be taken around the shoulder and the front of the arm. You can also treat the trigger point above the shoulder blade. In cases of injury or damage, treatment should be started as close as possible to the injury event, for 6-8 minutes at each treatment point, twice a day.
- In cases of chronic pain, start with a dose of one and a half minutes for each treatment point, and gradually increase the dose by 30 seconds each day, until you reach a 6-8 minute treatment for each treatment point, twice a day.
- Three (3) treatment points, a total of 18-24 minutes during each treatment session. Treat 2-4 times a day

Questions and answers
How to relieve shoulder pain?
To relieve pain in the shoulder, you can use pain relievers, steroid injections, adapted physical activity, soft laser and physical therapy treatments. Several actions can be combined together to get the treatment mix adapted to each person according to the root of their problem. The longer the pain lasts, the more it is recommended to choose natural methods of action that do not involve significant side effects.
Please note that many people suffering from pain in the right shoulder or pain in the left shoulder avoid moving the affected shoulder to prevent the onset of pain. This is a course of action that is not necessarily correct, since immobility of the shoulder can lead to a “frozen shoulder” condition and even increase the pain.
Does shoulder pain radiate?
Pain in the shoulder does not necessarily radiate to the palm and many times pain in the right shoulder or pain in the left shoulder will be local pain only. Still, in some cases pain in the shoulder can definitely “travel” along the entire arm to the palm and fingers.
There are several well-known conditions of shoulder pain that radiate to the palm. The first is cervical radiculopathy, a condition in which a nerve in the cervical spinal cord becomes inflamed. The sharp pain may move from the neck and shoulder area all the way down the arm to the palm of the hand. Another condition is thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), in which pressure is placed on the nerves between the neck and the armpit. Injuries to the brachial plexus can also radiate the pain to the palm and fingers.
What are the symptoms of shoulder pain?
The shoulder can manifest in different ways, depending on the root of the problem and the cause of the pain. Most of the time, the pain can be due to several main reasons: inflammation of the shoulder and tendons; Arthritis; a fracture in the shoulder area; Infection; damage to the tissue structure; or instability of the shoulder.
The symptoms of shoulder pain are varied. They can start from dull pains that are always there, or sharp pains that occur when making a certain movement. The pains can be prolonged and over time, or temporary pains lasting several days or even minutes.
Other symptoms of shoulder pain can include:
pain in the neck, arm, back or palm.
Swelling, redness or warmth that radiates from the shoulder area.
Stiff muscles and weakness in the area.
Limited range of motion – inability to perform certain movements in the shoulder, or sudden pains when trying.
A throbbing sound (“canak”) when moving the arm and shoulder.
How to treat shoulder pain?
The ways of treating shoulder pain can be divided into several main categories:
Painkillers – for localized and sharp pains, painkillers can be taken to relieve the pain. It is important to note that painkillers are local solutions that do not treat the root of the problem, and that increased consumption of painkillers can cause side effects and, in some cases, addiction. For very sharp pains, steroid injections can also be performed to relieve and paralyze the pain.
Physiotherapy treatments – Physiotherapy treatments can help shoulder pain, increase flexibility and strengthen the shoulder and all the muscles in the area. During physiotherapy treatments, you learn strengthening and posture exercises that can help with pain and prevent their appearance.
Natural soft laser treatment – a natural, light and side-effect-free treatment is soft laser treatment, a revolutionary technology that has been proven to be effective in the treatment of shoulder injuries. The laser penetrates the tissues and stimulates healing processes in the body. In the first stage, it soothes the pain by encouraging the release of the endorphin hormone. In the second stage, the laser helps treat the source of the problem and the inflammation in the shoulder itself. The laser releases anti-inflammatory enzymes and expands blood flow to the painful area. It helps restore range of motion and quickly return to normal.
Surgery – in extreme cases and depending on the root of the problem, you can also resort to a process of surgery on the affected soft tissues. During the surgery, it will be possible to accurately diagnose the problem and bring about its cure. Another surgery is surgery to replace the shoulder joint, if the need arises.
What is arthritis? How it may affect shoulder pain
One of the other factors that can lead to shoulder pain is arthritis, where the most common arthritis is degenerative arthritis (“cartilage erosion” or “joint erosion”). Such inflammation leads to bumps in the joints, loss of joint cartilage as well as other inflammatory side effects. Such arthritis can be caused by injury, improper or strenuous physical activity as well as old age. The inflammation usually develops slowly and the pain worsens over time, especially during exertion, and can include pain in the shoulders, a burning sensation and swelling.
Many times people who experience arthritis and shoulder pain try to reduce shoulder movement. This avoidance can lead to another condition called “frozen shoulder”. In this condition, the connective tissue of the shoulder hardens and becomes inflamed. A frozen shoulder can increase pain and limit shoulder movement.
I am debating which treatment is right for me. What should you do?
There are different reasons for shoulder pain as well as different treatments to deal with the pain, and it is likely that you are debating between the different treatments offered to you. While it is possible to transfer one-time and sudden pain with painkillers, if the pain is chronic and lasts for months and even years, it is recommended to turn to a more natural course of action. It is worthwhile to seek treatment that touches the root of the problem and not just cover it with a plaster. Along with physical therapy treatments, which require you to spend valuable time, practice at home and stand in long lines, there is another course of action that you should consider – using a soft laser.
If until recently laser treatment was done in pain centers and hospitals, today you can use the revolutionary B-Cure Laser home device. It is a small, home and portable device that allows soft laser treatment anywhere and anytime. The device allows immediate pain relief and even treatment of the root of the problem without the need to wait for hospital appointments. It is an easy, fast, convenient and proven method of action, natural and free of side effects, which requires only 6-8 minutes of your time, twice a day.